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meet em.

meet em.

writer. photographer. conservationist.

She’s a multi-talented creative hailing from British Columbia’s west coast. With the desire to create meaningful stories, it doesn’t matter whether she’s writing about the world’s issues, capturing its beauty through her lens, or using her voice for good: Em Koopman is a force to be reckoned with. Regardless of if she’s in Los Angeles hoping to catch her big break, snorkelling alongside marine iguanas in the Galápagos, or back in her beloved Vancouver — Em’s love for writing and the visual medium shines through in everything she does.

What I Do


I’m a film school grad with a penchant for screenplays, children’s lit, personal essays, interviews, and travel writing. Are you a tour company that would like to be reviewed?

Get in touch!

I’m a freelance, self-taught photographer based in South-Western British Columbia. I’ve always enjoyed taking photos, so I’ve spent the last few years honing the craft, and now focus on travel, wildlife, and live events.

Visit my website!

Learning about the world is important — and so is giving back. That’s why I love sustainable travel that involves benefitting the environment, wildlife, and/or local communities.

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Footprints I’ve Left

A quick snapshot of some travel highlights
  • The cradle of civilization. I marveled at the intricate carvings of the ancient rock-hewn churches of Lalibela. I slept under the stars in the Danakil Depression. I climbed a volcano in the dark and took in the incredible views at sunrise. I met with remote tribes and learned of their unique cultures. I toured Addis Ababa’s most iconic locations.


  • I was captivated by the people, places, and things, above and below the water. I ventured to the east, central and west islands — wildlife encounters were at every turn: from marine iguanas in the waters of Fernandina Island to penguins on Floreana Island.

    Galápagos, Ecuador

  • I explored Madagascar’s stunning wildlife and diverse cultural heritage on an adventure-packed journey. From close encounters with lemurs, chameleons, and birds to experiencing local life in quaint villages — this trip offered an unforgettable immersion into the island’s rich culture and natural wonders.


  • With the worst migraine of my life, I trekked off the trail through deep, sticky mud in search of mountain gorillas (yes, up the mountain). Channeled my inner Jane Goodall as I tracked chimps in the jungle, and embarked on wildlife drives through Queen Elizabeth National Park. Needless to say, there was no shortage of incredible wildlife encounters.


  • Fruit, graffiti, old town, gold, oh my!


  • Who goes to Egypt and doesn’t visit the Pyramids? Me. Oops.


  • There’s something about Damascus. The old buildings, connected by flower canopies, the narrow alleyways with boutique hotels that exude character: the Old City possesses a unique charm that sets it apart from others


  • With high humidity in the summer months, I still managed to enjoy my time doing everything from paragliding to chatting with Syrian refugees.
